Nestled in the mountainous, this home was envisioned for a small family seeking solace in one of the country’s most scenic locales overlooking the Beit Netofa Valley.
The front facade embraces the open landscape, offering captivating views from nearly every room. To infuse vitality and authenticity into this abode, we curated a palette of natural elements – mud plaster adorning the walls, complemented by warm wooden floors and stonework. The inclusion of salvaged antique doors adds a touch of history and character.
Crafted by a skilled local artisan, the kitchen stands as a testament to meticulous craftsmanship, boasting full woodwork with intricately carved legs, adding an artisanal charm to the heart of the home.
The clients’ vision was simple: a tranquil home that feels welcoming and serene, a place where everyday life melds effortlessly with the beauty of the view.